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Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Journal Club

Date: October 15, 2007
Title "From time-symmetric microscopic dynamics to time-asymmetric macroscopic behaviour: An Overview" by J.L. Lebowitz
Speaker Tridib Sadhu
Abstract I will talk about the recent paper by J. L. Lebowitz [arXiv] which discusses the apparent paradox: microscopic dynamics are time-symmetric but the behaviour of macrocospic objects, composed of microscopic constituents, is time-asymmetric. I will discuss how this disparity can be explained by taking into account 1) the difference of microcospic and macrocospic scales 2) a low entropy state of the early universe, and 3) The fact that what we observe is the behaviour of systems coming from such an initial state - not all possible systems. An extension of this theory to the quantum world will also be discussed.